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Own your strength App

Your virtual strength and conditioning coach, by your side, every step of the way.

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Pink Purple Creative Fitness and Gym Fly

Stefi Guerreiro

But who even am I?

I'm a certified strength coach, such as a mother of two and wife.

I have been in the fitness space for over 12 years. I started out as a "chubby" kid turning a cardio bunny after a broken heart (how shocking, right?). My physical and mental health took a huge hit, which is when I got into body building. I fell in love with lifting weights and growing my muscles. I've done bodybuilding for many years, until getting into training for strength, not just aesthetics. I strength trained before, during and after both pregnancies and essentially went from bodybuilding to powerlifting. I have done cuts for fat loss, I've bulked, I've eaten intuitively..

You really can say, I did it all.



I took my exam as a personal trainer, a nutrition and strength coach to provide my clients with the highest education they can receive - and not just another random influencer program. 


 My passion turned into my profession, working with clients 1:1 and guiding my ladies with nutrition and training programming. After-all, I decided to found Own your strength LLC and level up the game in the strength and conditioning training space with the OYS App, where an amazing community trains together to become their best and strongest versions, inside - and outside.

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